20.00 Kathleen Supové Kirobbanó zongora (Exploding Piano)
Kathleen SUPOVÉ - zongora, elektronika
Műsor / Program:
Jacob Ter Veldhuis (Jacob TV): THE BODY OF YOUR DREAMS (rev. 2004)
Nick Didkovsky: ZERO WASTE (2002)
Anna Clyne: ON TRACK (2007) [video by Joshue Ott]
Jason Freeman: PIANO ETUDES (2008)
Observing Squirrels, Learning to Dance, Reading a Poem, Trying to be Hip5
Neil Rolnick: DIGITS (2005) [video by R. Luke Dubois]
21:30 European Bridges Ensemble / koncert
Műsor / Program:
Fredrik Olofsson (S): the choir, the chaos
Daniel Iglesia (USA): Pundit Bingo
Alexander Schubert (G): A Few Plateaus
Jacob Sello (G): isms
Johannes "DJ" Kretz (A): Encore
Johannes "DJ" Kretz (A): "Two Arias" for Quintetnet: "may I feel" and "Ruby's facebook status"-Kai Niggeman (G): New Piece