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VoodooFunk Budapesten?

Sziastok! Elnézést de nem vagyok magyar és tovább angolul fogom írni. I really like to get organised a "Voodoo...

Témaindítás: 2009.03.21.
Utolsó hozzászólás: 2009.03.27.
Hozzászólások: [2.]

Hozzászóláshoz, kérjük lépjen be!

2009.03.27. 14:26 • [2]

Contacted Frank of VoodooFunk. He wrote me he is interested and has time to spin his collection on May.30 here in Bp. It would be between visits to Germany and Ghana, where he'll be digging for more African vinyl.
Everybody interested please get in touch and try to let a VoodooFunk Party happen here in Bp.

SeeYa, mangue
2009.03.21. 13:54 • [1]

Elnézést de nem vagyok magyar és tovább angolul fogom írni.
I really like to get organised a "Voodoo Funk" party in Budapest, with DJ Frank spinning his Vinyl collection, mainly 70s African records. I started this topic to get to know if there is enough interest here in Budapest for such a party, and if so which would be the best place.
DJ Frank lives in NYC and to my latest information will visit Europe in May and is interested to come to Budapest.
So anybody interested, please ract with your suggestions and/or questions to this topic.

If somebody doesn't understand where this is about, please check the following link:
http://www.voodoofunk.blogspot.com/ (where Frank posts all his info, stories and mixes).

Hope to hear from you,
SeeYa Mangue
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